Hey my Sweet Lifers! On a rather brisk day in February back in 1976 I received a bike for my birthday. I remember wondering as I wobbled on the seat and with hands shaking held on tight to the handlebars, if I would ever not be afraid of getting up on that contraption! A...
The Sweet Life Gardener Burnet February 2023
Hey my Sweet Lifers! There are many things I love about having a garden. One is the ability to walk outside and pick fresh daily items to use for my recipes. I suppose if I did not love to cook this would not be as pleasurable. What I love perhaps the most is when...
“Living the Sweet Life” The Best Gift Ever January 2023
Hey my Sweet Lifers! I’m guessing that most of you celebrated the holidays and got to spend time with those you love; hope so anyway! I have been asking my little’s coming in for their visits what their best gift ever was that they got for Christmas and I have been getting a lot...
The Sweet Life Gardener Calendula January 2023
Hey my Sweet Lifers! Hope ya’ll had a marvelous and merry holiday! There are many flowers that serve as both a beauty and as a handy helper to plant in your garden. One of these is calendula, also known as Pot -Marigold and Poor Man’s Saffron. It is, in my opinion one of the...