“Martini Talks” with Christina Marasso Scobey, Grief Coach/How to overcome grief in any time in life

Hey there my Sweet Lifers! In this episode I am talking with Christina Marasso-Scobey, a Grief Coach on how to overcome grief at any stage in life. Her methodology in helping her clients overcome setbacks and resets in their lives includes a monthly 5 Day challenge and when you join her coursework to work on yourself she includes complimentary counseling for a limited time. All of us have certainly found the past few months “challenging” and we both have a soft spot for children as well. I launched my “Sweet Tea Talks” as conversations with my own clients that are children in my studio and found some surprising things that were on their minds. Mental health is the new “WEALTH” and Revitalizing your Resiliency , taking a 5 day monthly challenge learning from her through the “Hacks of Life Academy” will get you to s better place and as I always say back to “Living YOUR Sweet Life!”

Christina can be reached here:
[email protected]

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