Looking Back
Well, it’s January. I honestly cannot believe it. This time of the year always makes me think about things that I did not get to in the previous year. There is, of course, all the improvements both to oneself and one’s home that always seem to get pushed back until right now, and then, I see, it’s January once more. There’s also the veritable “wish” list of want to’s that always turn into did’nt’s! I like the one especially that always makes it to the first of the list: Learn a new language. Or, like most of us, loose a few pounds! Alas, in the end, it’s the looking back over the past year that invariably helps me to get going with the real “need to” list for the year embarking. This year, I began by going through each compartment, if you’ll allow me to label it that, of my life and deciding on what should be kept, what should be discarded and what could be, and then, exactly how it could be improved upon. Last year, Lisa Geisler, author of A Time and a Place for Everything, physically organized the studio. This year, I organized mentally what changes needed to be made…everywhere else.
In mental review: Personally, I gave myself a great big pat on the back. I quit smoking last year, and although not really a big deal for me to do, I know for some it’s treacherous and can be a lifelong addiction. I also gained about 35 extra pounds from doing this, and I am going to play the turning 40 card for as long as I can!
My relationships with my family all reviewed and decisions made to spend more quality time with the children and the hubby. What about you? What is the status of your personal inventory? Are there relationships that need more attention? Are there people who are making you crazy that you can step away from and disengage? I looked at friendships, and who was there versus who was always promising to be. I was brutally honest with myself as to what kind of friends I want, the kind of friend I am and how all of that would be worked on over the next year.
Business wise: Professionally, I looked at who I currently was serving and how those relationships were doing. Who was my perfect client? I had allowed the business to creep into everyday….sleeping with orders in my head unable to let go. It is perhaps one of the disadvantages to working from home. LOL. I restructured how my time was going to be spent. No longer would I work every Saturday and never again on Sundays! Time really is all we have, and I was giving all of mine to the business. I was also allowing my charitable projects to drive me instead of me driving them, and I vowed to always stay in control of things I am doing for free. It’s amazing how true the old saying is, “Give an inch and they’ll take a mile!”
Are there people or projects in your life that have tipped past I’m ok and into the taking blatant advantage of you? I urge you to assess all areas in your life, and gently remove the situations that fall into this category. Doctors will tell us that stress causes all sorts of issues, and stress is often caused by people and situations that we can avoid.
Lastly, it is a new year and there is no more appropriate time than right now to find out what your passion is and to go for it. January begins a new year, and it is time for you and I to discover something extraordinary about ourselves. An article I read in Psychology Today, November/ December, entitled “Stealth Super Pow- ers,” helped me gain insight into conquering any would be fears that might have been lurking within me over my next step towards what my publicist calls “building celebrity.” Many of you are aware that the old location for Swoozie’s is now The Imperial Theatre. I, as a board member, enjoy shooting for the theatre their playbills and marquis. Back in October, I was offered the opportunity to create and perform a “One Woman Show” starring…. me! Yikes! I would read from my column, tell stories from my childhood, and basically do whatever. Best of all, the proceeds from ticket sales would benefit the theatre. At first, it was a little daunting. What on earth could I do for two hours that anybody would want to sit through? I am absolutely an artist but a performing one? Ahem… I wasn’t so sure. As I began to think about what I would do, and furthermore, what I was comfortable doing, a few new things began to emerge. What I have been working on is quite a stray from the Alisa you all know. It will be an evening filled with surprises and fun, and most enjoyable for a mature audience. I have stretched out of my “comfort zone” to emerge a little less afraid to just be me.
What will you do this year to stretch yourself in a new way? The results are not as important as having gone through the journey…. at least that’s what the experts say! The article said, “Deep within you are powers you’ll never know you have-until they’re unlocked by fear.” We will see…. standing up in front of a what I hoped to see as a packed house, I’ll be afraid, but I will also be brave and will be doing something for a cause that I believe in. Won’t you join me? Tickets are available now at www.theimperial.org or by calling 281.277.7444.
Happy New YOU Year!