Finding Your Learning Style When I was a little girl, my nickname in my house was “motor mouth.” I can remember when we were all sitting at the table, and I would start to talk. The adults would pretend to listen to what I had to say, which by the way was probably very...
This Mother’s Day Be in the Moment!
Mother’s Know We live. We love. We loose… We loose that is, each other to life. The cycle of it all is something that everyone since time began has tried to explain and has always been the muse of the great artists. Where are we going, what have we done, and why are we...
Look Outside and Tell Me What You See
Protecting Our Number One Asset I can’t remember the last time I was really hungry. Can you? That’s what I had swimming through my mind the other day as I watched the latest reports about the economy. 60 Minutes aired a story a few weeks ago showcasing what has been happening all over our...
Finding Your True Colors
Understanding Your Abilities and Aligning Them With Purpose. Oprah said, “Life is a big ol’ canvas. And, you have every combination of colors to paint with.” If I had been asked the same, I couldn’t have said it more perfectly. Over the years, I have spent quite a lot of time studying human psychology...
One Life, One Woman, One Show
“Alisa’s Sweet Life.” It had to be you”…. “I’ve got the world on a string”…. These are just a few of my favorite things. Remember last month I asked you about cleaning your life up and finding your passion while ringing in the New Year? I mentioned having been asked to do a one...
A Year in Review
Looking Back Well, it’s January. I honestly cannot believe it. This time of the year always makes me think about things that I did not get to in the previous year. There is, of course, all the improvements both to oneself and one’s home that always seem to get pushed back until right now,...
Find a Small Miracle! Part Two
If you wanna know about life, just find a small miracle! Last month I interviewed my son, James Edward and got his perspective on the universe and his place in it. I asked him some pretty tough questions and what I got back was sometimes predictable and at other times suprising. Many of you...
Changes are Coming
Change is not always good. There’s change coming….and I have to tell you I am not happy at all about it. In fact, I’m a little scared. Scared more for my children really than myself, and it is a kind of fear that is gnawing at me. It all started a few weeks ago...
Reflections On Marriage
Reflections on the Sanctimonious Institution of Marriage About….no, exactly twenty years ago, Brian and I were in front of approximately 800 people, promised to each other and our families and our Lord to honor and cherish one another until death parted us. I was only twenty and he was barely twenty-one. Thinking back on...
Sisters, We Ain’t Alike and We Like It That Way!
Being Different Makes No Difference School is starting again, and my sister has to explain to her boys why their cousins have to wear those uniforms that are scratchy, buy a bunch of school supplies that are expensive and even leave to go to a school at all. I just roll my eyes. Those...
Focus on Making a Little LOVE
AHHH, Valentine’s day! I can still remember making the real homemade valentines for friends at school. Cutting out paper dollies and gluing them to construction paper hearts…adding in a little sparkle here… a little rhinestone there. Being an artist sometimes has it’s advantages. I purposefully try to engage my children in artistic projects that...
Focus on 2008
Its January… again. I know, I know already what ya’ll are thinking. Oh boy, time flies and what are the “plans” for this next year. January, like no other month, always pressures me to make promises to myself and others that by September I realize should have never been made in the first place...
Focus on Writing
Wrapping Up the First Year Well, I know it’s hard to believe, I can barely believe it myself… I have had my column for a year! I have been amazed at the response the magazine has had and in general the support from those friends and family living in the area. Many a week...
Focus on Giving
Giving Children the Gift of Giving The art of becoming a giving person and living life graciously are not easy tasks to cultivate amongst our children. Being a thankful person and learning to give have to be two of the more difficult virtues we as parents are asked to teach our little ones. This...
Hope and Inspiration
The How of Winning or Losing We all know the saying…”It’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game”; and that well, is no more appropriate than when fighting with a diagnosis of breast cancer. Many of you are aware of my work from the past several years with mothers...
An Ode to Our Old Dog Named Earl
About Old Dogs and Children I once read a book about old dogs and children. Somehow, life always come down to that. The very old and the very young are perhaps the most interesting of us all. Dogs are for many “old souls”. In particular, when they enter the home and assume they are...
Focus on The Art of Doing Nothing
The Art of Scheduling Nothing Ahh, the last dog days of summer. I can hardly comprehend how fast time flies by! I just got a newsletter from our school, it stated: Welcome 2007-08 school year. (?) Wait… did i just read school year??? I can not BELIEVE it is already that time of year...
Letters of Support to Those Who Serve
Patriotism. What does that mean to you? For many it is a simple word heard all through childhood. Some think patriotism is going through the motions of a celebration for “Independence” is all a part of being “an American”. What comes to mind is marshmallow salad with coconut and of course the watermelon!!!! Others...
Father’s Day
Reflect on The Fathers In Your Life Ok, first of all let me say Thanks to our readers! As I go about my daily life in Sugar Land I am often stopped by friends that are reading my column. I have been excited to learn how many of you look forward to this each...
Focus on the magic of Mothering
May 2007 What exactly does it mean to be a mother? As young girls we are told you will grow up someday and become one, but it is a loaded statement to assume every women becomes a mother. Quite to the contrary I think many women find themselves looking down at their new little...