Go ahead and RAOK them!

blue bird of happiness

Random Act Of Kindness

The past few weeks and months have just been horrific. From Stony Brook to the bombings in Boston, to the recovered kidnapped women held against their will for years and years. It seems that everywhere we have really bad people amongst us. Here’s some facts according to me…. I figure at least 20% of our population has some sort of mental illness and about 5% are certifiably crazy. Crazy does not mean just plain mean and evil. There are plenty of people we all know that are a little kooky and their kookiness makes them fun to be around. Mean and Evil is different. It’s that kid in Toy Story that figured out a way to burn his toys with a magnifying glass and the sun. Or it’s the sinister mind of someone who just hates because … well that is the way they are built. There will always be in every group some that are just plain mean.

Nana used to say as did Granny; that “Two wrongs don’t make a right.” This little piece of worldly wisdom could have come in handy as I watched the t.v. However, I like most of you, got caught up in the display of stupidity and found myself getting angrier and angrier and angrier. What I wanted to do was to write on my blog a public display of distaste for terrorism and what can be done to abolish it in it’s entirety from mine … not YOUR country. I spent a good half a day just plain crazy too with hate and found myself plotting ways to lash back verbally at the random act of senselessness that I had witnessed here in what I wanted to believe; if not for myself but for the sake of my children, was and still is a SAFE place to live. And then I spoke to Father Mike. Yes… Father Mike and I had a few words and what is said sent me spinning back to my center space. Funny how Godly people will always do that:)

“You see GOD was there in Boston.” Yes, that is what I heard him say. As I listened to him I thought… “Dude you are not making any sense!” As Father explained it “ the people who ran to help comfort those who had been injured had heard God’s voice. They were acting through his will to help… to support… to be KIND.” They were not responding with another wrong. We spoke further on the phone about it and I remembered Jesus. Ya know how he was betrayed by Judas and in the end Judas hung himself. What I most liked was he “got it” in the end without Jesus having to do a thing and I stopped hating. “It isn’t very becoming” anyway as Nana would also say.

I have a RAOK card. This stands for Random Act Of Kindness. Father Mike actually issues these out to us and we carry them wherever we go. My norm is not to particularly pass them back out because often times I think I will need to give it to someone who can learn a lesson from it. Then there’s the beneficiaries of my RAOK that wouldn’t know what to do with it if I were to give it to them anyway but they need me none the less. Take for example, that squirrel scampering across Hwy 6 this week. NO he was not a lucky squirrel, I RAOK chose not hit his crazy you know what as he went through six lanes with mine being the last to get to what … another pecan tree? Same was true of a not so smart little bird who, for whatever reason, has chosen the busiest door on my house to build her nest and must fly out everyday when I open it no less than 50 times! I shall not do anything less than to accommodate her desire to hatch her babies there this spring… in fact I find it quite an honor actually that she chose me to share that moment with. Then there was that teacher whose tone in her email got a little too sassy for me and I chose to RAOK her by biting my tongue and being kind. So I have been holding my RAOK card for awhile silently helping those who in my mind might not be able to help themselves. I am issuing it out right now though. I give my RAOK card to all those crazy people in our society that make me feel real uneasy. I give it to the clients that I thought were also my friends who have moved on and forgotten me. I give it to the now dead mother of that boy who stormed into the school and murdered those babies. I give it to Judas because I have always secretly hated him for betraying my Lord and I give it to those terrorists who want everything dead because they are most definitely in the 5% or the 20% of the human race. I feel much better now. How about you?

Take Care of YOU… and OTHERS


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