The Top 5 Ethereal Oils you should plant in your garden this fall! I just planted the fall garden and it got me to thinking about just how much I use my garden in both cooking but in practical things around the house. It’s pretty easy even with our crazy hot weather to keep...
Houston’s Award Winning Columnist | Alisa Murray’s “Living the Sweetlife” Radishes Anyone?? #alisamurraywrites #alisamurray #alisamurrayphotography
Living the Sweet Life: Radishes anyone? “Too much meat and cheese and you’ll get the disease!” It’s Sunday afternoon and it’s raining. For shooting this is no good but for gardening it’s a blessing. The lessons learned from growing a garden are so many. Our children need to understand what foods are good and...
Living the Sweet Life: The Science of Philematology
Do you remember your first kiss? I bet you do! I was recently reading about decoding the kiss and that got me to start researching this lovely act of kindness. Kissing is a ritual of passion and friendship and in times before people could write even a seal to a contract as binding as...
How to have Peace on Earth December 2013
Over the past several months I have been listening to family and health radio. One afternoon, doctors were discussing genetic mutations and how what we do to our bodies actually genetically rewires our DNA. Did you know that? They stated what we put into our bodies actually alters how we react and respond. They...