Hey my Sweet Lifers! I know many of you have been calling and asking me about how we are doing post the freeze in Texas and I am taking you through the Sweet Life Garden and giving you a tour. The asparagus seems to be ok, the lettuces as would be expected are not and there’s plenty of prep work to be done as we are looking to warmer weather. The TULIPS are blooming and even though the house and studio still have no running water as of March 3, 2021, I am hopeful and staying positive that soon things will return to “normal!” The Governor today just announced a lifting on those masks and Methodist sent both me and B an email that we are now eligible with our co-morbidities to get the vaccine so there is a lot to be excited about. Just this morning the insurance man came and after taking a look at the studio and house he said “I have never seen a home like this.” We may opt to remove the bricks in order to save the interiors. Whatever it takes to get it fixed with as little damage as possible. Stay tuned because I will be releasing another video that addresses the journey we have been going through and the progress as to how it’s getting back to “Perfectly SWEET!”
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