What to make for Thanksgiving/Smothered and Suffocating Lemony Garlic Turkey Balls!

Hey there Sweet Lifers! What to make for Thanksgiving just got a whole lot easier with my smothered and suffocating lemony and garlic turkey balls! Its a new take on an old tradition that takes making the turkey to a whole new level. It’s easy and a time saver for sure!

What you’ll need:
3 lbs of ground turkey
1 cup of mozzarella cheese
2 cups of a Parmesan blend
2 tablespoons of red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon of onion powder
1 + Tablespoon of black pepper
2 eggs
heaping amount of rosemary and thyme or oregano

What you’ll do:
Combine everything together and roll into balls
place in an oven set at 400 degrees for apron 45 mins

To make the Lemony Garlic “suffocating” sauce to smother the balls …
You’ll need:
1 stick of butter
spoonful of minced garlic
2 tablespoons of lemon juice
1 cup freshly chopped parley
3 sprigs of sage
leaves of thyme

Take the turkey from the oven and pour the sauce over the balls

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