Living the Sweet Life : I’ve been thinking,worrying,wondering,praying and hoping you’ll see….

Houston Childhood Photography Alisa Murray #alisamurray
There’s an old saying that some call “THE GOLDEN RULE”  It’s been everywhere for such a long time. No one can tell me they haven’t heard of it before because you can plainly see it’s in all religions and thoughts about humankind.
 Buddhism                   Hurt not others with that which pains yourself.
   Christianity           Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Hinduism                   Treat others as you would yourself be treated.
         Islam            Do unto all men as you would wish to have done unto you.
Judaism                                   What you yourself hate, do to no man.
Native American                                  Live in harmony, for we are all related.
Sacred Earth                        Do as you will, as long as you harm no one.
I’ve been thinking about the world. I’ve been thinking deep prolific thoughts that concern where we are and where we are going.These thoughts are about respect and love for my brothers and sisters. I suppose we all worry about where we are gong to end up; just some of us have these thoughts persistently perhaps it is because I am a mother.
I’ve been worrying about the world because I see groups of people that hate each other for no real reason at all. Some are willing to rape and kill and abandon respect and tolerance to pursue abominable goals that disrupt peace, love and joy for all the people on earth. I suppose we all worry when we see the news and recognize something malignant before us but somehow can not bring ourselves to stop it. Perhaps it is because I am only one. 
I’ve been wondering how long it will take before others will see what I see. A world that is increasingly needing love. We all believe in one something…call that what you will. You believe in “One” as do I and that “One” does never asks for hate and death and disrespect of life. I suppose it will be more time before others will see? Perhaps it’s because I am smarter? Older? Wiser? 
I’ve been praying… praying for the world. Longing for all of her people to recognize their brothers and sisters. We are all traced back to the same one. It’s a simple thing you see… humankind has no boundaries. You see the world for what it is, which requires tolerance but not of hate and rape and differences but a genuine respect for YOU and for OTHER. We will never be the same; we were not meant to be. How many more thousands of years must pass before they see? Perhaps it is because we are afraid and paralyzed to grow?
I’ve been hoping…. hoping that someday soon you and I will come to know that YOU and I are DIFFERENT but WE may never be SAME and that’s OK. Simply OK. Life on this beautiful planet can happen with someone who loves differently, thinks differently and that space in time with all those values is possibly with one word…Respect. Perhaps we will all see that possibility in each of ourselves. Because we are all smarter and can be contemplative and are most certainly capable of so much more. 
Take Care of “Us”!
In my portrait….
Victoria Ann at age 4 in the Manhattan Studio overlooking the airplanes flying amongst the skyscrapers April 2001 prior to 9/11 This image has become a sought after art piece by most of my clients due to the significance that it has for us all. Here we have my daughter…innocent and full of hope having no idea at all how to hate until it is taught. All children of God come to this world the same way and it is up to us to stop allowing hate into our societies and the minds of our babes.
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