National Back to Church Day

blue bird of happiness

I’ll see YOU on September 15th at 10:30 am

On a late August weekend in 1987 I packed up all of my most important possessions and moved into a dormitory at St. Mary’s College. It was my decision to leave home early, the effects of which shapes me even today.I was a senior in high school and what I did not know at the time was that I would never truly go home ever again. My Daddy knew it and perhaps that was why, as he hugged me there on the steps he cried.

It was not long at all after that I began attending chapel and got my first taste of something else besides a Southern Baptist version of religion.

The first evening of school we went to chapel and I remember being intrigued by the rituals and the whole experience. By Labor Day, I was convinced I was born to be and Episcopalian. Soon I was as involved as I had been in First Baptist. I was in the Vestry and very quickly became Senior Warden and Hall Counselor where I could mentor to my peers both in the chapel and in the dorm. St. Mary’s College is the only all girls boarding school in our country that is Episcopalian. Founded in 1842, it has schooled many a southern lady and was even used as a hospital during our Civil War. Those years proved to be the best years of my educational time of life.

My years there not only provided me with the best education I ever received but the experiences in Chapel shaped me spiritually. I love being an Episcopalian. So when the time came to make babies and raise them up, finding a Episcopalian church that would guide and offer what I had experienced as a scared 17 year old three hours away from home was a tough bill to fill. Houston has so many choices of churches. Some are big and some are teensy tiny. Lots are Episcopalian.

family back to churchAfter a lot of searching and consistently attending, we found St. Catherine’s of Sienna. Father Mike is not removed from his congregation but rather like Chaplain Watrous was at St. Mary’s very much a part of it. The way of each of them approach God’s teachings combined with the rituals that come as they say “standard issue” with service in the Episcopalian faith are comforting and interesting. Father Mike is amazing, often it is Brian bringing coffee and making sure I get up in time to go hear him speak! My children sit all the way through service LISTENING too. Folks, in today’s world that is PRICELESS!

Father Mike says St. Catherine’s is “One of Fort Bend’ s best kept secrets.” Although I do agree, because we are doing some incredible things in our community and worldwide. It really should not be though…. which brings me to this little invitation. On September 15th it is National Back to Church Day. It is an opportunity to reach out to those we love and connect with them in a spiritual way. So many of you over the years have stopped me in Sugar Land and Missouri City and told me how much you were touched by my column. My life has been full of God winks and blessings. Recognizing the blessings and winks has at it’s core my Episcopalian faith.

My life has been an open book for so long and to so many that simply inviting you to be a part of what is so much a part of my life seems natural. So on a mid-September Sunday the 15th I want you to come hang out with me for just one service. It is my wish for you that St. Catherine’s will be for you what St.Mary’s was for me. A place of joy and friendship and comfort and most of all a place you can, as we do, call home.

I can promise you that God is there. I can promise you Father Mike will have things to say that each of you will relate to. There will be also be fellowship and friendly people, and of course lots of food! There are two services one at 8:00 am which I will never attend. Not after a day full on Saturday of shooting… but at the 10:30 am service you’ll find me and all the family hanging out and having a blast celebrating Jesus, learning about who he is and about his life and teachings. On September 15th, I want you to just come see. The address is 4747 Sienna Parkway Missouri City 77459 and remember I will be there at 10:30am 🙂

Looking forward to seeing YOU!

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