Keeping it in the family

two blue birds

Passing On What Can Not Be Taught I remember Uncle Jim being a real funny guy. He was my mother’s only brother and since my Daddy was an only child subsequently my only uncle. We would meet up every few years because he lived far far away in Texas and the rest of us...

Celebrating Sisters!

two blue birds

Celebrating Sister’s Day The first Sunday in August is Sister’s Day, and I, for one, will be celebrating it. I know the secret marketing gurus behind the scenes have created this “holiday” of sorts in a probable effort to generate income for the card industry, but if you have a sister, you probably would...

The Work of Men

small image of sweet bird

It’s father’s day. This is a time when I think back to the men in my life who reared me, and the gratitude that I feel towards them for having done such a great job. I was fortunate enough to have several wonderful men around me, guiding me and setting the examples of what...

How You Played Your Game!

two blue birds

It’s not winning or losing, but how you played your game! The pro game has changed in the way guys train and the amount of media coverage. I guess I would say in one respect amateur baseball is more pure. Alisa: When you look back over your career, what stands out most in your...

Reflections On Marriage

two blue birds

Reflections on the Sanctimonious Institution of Marriage About….no, exactly twenty years ago, Brian and I were in front of approximately 800 people, promised to each other and our families and our Lord to honor and cherish one another until death parted us. I was only twenty and he was barely twenty-one. Thinking back on...

Focus on 2008

blue bird of happiness

Its January… again. I know, I know already what ya’ll are thinking. Oh boy, time flies and what are the “plans” for this next year. January, like no other month, always pressures me to make promises to myself and others that by September I realize should have never been made in the first place...

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