I really like wearing a cape (figuratively speaking of course!) and given the opportunity to be a super hero at anytime in my life has, and I am sure will continue to be, ideal. Now, my time has come! Many already know that as the children have grown in my family client base...
Houston Award winning columnist | Alisa Murray’s Living the Sweet Life March 2015 | #alisamurray
Living the Sweetlife : Study the facts So ya’ll can call me old school but I am really having a hard time having patience with this measles thing; as a mother, as an educated person and as a doctor’s daughter. I am wondering why no one is demanding that in any public space if you...
Houston Award Winning Author Alisa Murray | Living the Sweetlife February 2015 | #alisamurraywrites
Living The Sweet Life: I am “owned” are you? February 2015 Do you own your pet? Or does your pet own you? A perplexing question isn’t it? After much thinking on the subject, and since I do not live with dogs; I have come to terms with the fact that cats...
Houston’s Award Winning Columnist | Alisa Murray writes “Living the Sweetlife” | #alisamurraywrites
After giving to others all season I’ll bet most of you are looking at the same thing I am looking at, a house full of new “stuff” trying to find their space in your home. Each year I try to disguise this clutter by just removing the holiday decorations. It always seems to work...
Alisa Murray’s Award winning column | Living the Sweet Life | #alisamurraywrites
Well my friends… December has rolled back around to us yet again! Hardly yesterday it seems I was getting ready for spring and all at once 2014 flew by making me wonder if all the rest of my years will be the same. Gosh knows I surely hope not! The time we have here...
Things to do | Alisa Murray’s Sweetlife column |November 2014
Thanksgiving 2014 Things to do right now….. Order a bunch of clothes and toys Drink Wassail Eat candied apples and sausage balls Eat chewy peppermints Make and Eat chocolate pecan (pronounced Pee-Can) pie Bake lots of cookies especially the peanut butter chocolate ones that’s Brian’s favorite Make a list Play Buble’ Holiday album Place...
Alisa Murray’s Living the Sweetlife “Hope and Inspiration ten years in retrospect” #alisamurraywrites
Living the Sweetlife: October 2014 Hope and Inspiration in Retrospect I remember her sparkly blue eyes and her infectious laugh the very most. Then when I think of her my mind goes to her two beautiful young daughters. I am pleased that she will be a part of my life forever…(Alisa Murray, Artist...
Living the Sweet Life…”Finding Home” Houston Award-Winning Columnist Alisa Murray
Living the SweetLife: Finding Home September 2014 If you think back to when you were a child there are special things from that time...
Alisa Murray’s Living the Sweet Life Houston Human Interest Writer #alisamurray
Super Sizing YOUR Sweet LIFE! It takes time to become what we already are. Think on that for just a moment. Life moves through seasons and with each one it is sometimes a joyous time while others are quite stressful. We spend our lives moving through various states of being and the key to...
Living the Sweetlife: Bittersweet 16!
Houston Human Interest columnist Alisa Murray writes her award winning monthly featured column. #alisamurray,#alisamurraywrites Well folks…she’s driving! Victoria Ann that is; and with this next level of growing up, I have found myself both overjoyed at the young woman we are so blessed to get to parent and scared silly all at the same...
Cooking with KIDS and Chef Tarsha
Sustainable farm to table living is vital to a healthy lifestyle. It is not easy to plant seeds and nurture them into tiny plants, let alone harvest the garden and have the...
Alisa Murray’s Living the Sweet Life: Lost and Found Finding Father’s Day Treasures in Nana’s Pocketbook
A few days ago I was digging around in my closet and for some reason I glanced up and saw my Nana’s black pocketbook. I grabbed it and opened it up knowing there would be something inside. Nana used to always keep things in her purses and drawers and I remember as a child...
Living the Sweet Life: The Science of Philematology
Do you remember your first kiss? I bet you do! I was recently reading about decoding the kiss and that got me to start researching this lovely act of kindness. Kissing is a ritual of passion and friendship and in times before people could write even a seal to a contract as binding as...
Living the Sweetlife: April
Living the Sweetlife: Try not to succumb to “The Middletons” The Middletons are a part of your life. Do you know them? I sure hope so since they are helping you raise yourself and your children. They have infected every part of our society and have quietly snuck into our cultural norm. The ads...
Living the Sweetlife: Hysterical & Heartbroken
Living the Sweetlife: Heartbroken and Hysterical March 2014 In 1994 I was doing a wedding and at the rehearsal dinner at Los Alamados one of the dear children tugged on my dress and pointed outside and shouted “kitty!” It was November and quite a cold evening. I went out into it and bent down...
Living the Sweet Life February 2014 “Hated or Loved…be true to Yourself”
Perhaps André Gide said it best “It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.” Predictable. Stable. Contrary. Eccentric. Everybody has known someone who is through and through authentic. At least I hope you have. My goodness it sure seems to be a hard...
Living the Sweet Life: The Color of the year is you guessed it! “Radiant Orchid”
What is your favorite color? Mine has most recently become black. I think that as an artist, the fact that black is the only color that actually has all of the colors in it makes sense to me. Perhaps too it is because it is just easy! Pretty much anything…and I mean anything looks...
How to have Peace on Earth December 2013
Over the past several months I have been listening to family and health radio. One afternoon, doctors were discussing genetic mutations and how what we do to our bodies actually genetically rewires our DNA. Did you know that? They stated what we put into our bodies actually alters how we react and respond. They...
What image are YOU projecting? December 2013
Have you ever sat and gone through a drawer full of pictures? Besides traveling down memory lane; I am sure you have found yourself laughing at the hair, the clothes and in some cases even the circumstances. There’s the picture of me for example in fourth grade with a curly perm afro, velour shirt...
Alisa Murray’s Living the Sweet Life November 2013
We are Family.. My Brother and My Sister and ME! Ok start humming “We are Family” by the Pointer Sisters. I can’t help myself and for only just a moment I am truly sorry! If there was a song to describe Summer 2013 it would be this one and a blast from the past...