Hope and Inspiration

small image of sweet bird

10th edition Hope & Inspiration Calendars and 4th Edition Small Miracles Calendars are here! Well I know as I write this most of you will find it, as I do; hard to believe that it’s October yet again. Harder still to believe that I have created the 10th edition of my Hope and Inspiration...

A Cat’s Life….

blue bird of happiness

Sometimes I wonder about “luck.” Mostly when I am in my den with a cat on my lap thinking of the various probable outcomes that could have been with my cats. Take for instance Christopher Thomas, who is the last of pre-baby animals in my home. Turning 18 this September and despite a few...

Keeping it in the family

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Passing On What Can Not Be Taught I remember Uncle Jim being a real funny guy. He was my mother’s only brother and since my Daddy was an only child subsequently my only uncle. We would meet up every few years because he lived far far away in Texas and the rest of us...

Go ahead and RAOK them!

blue bird of happiness

Random Act Of Kindness The past few weeks and months have just been horrific. From Stony Brook to the bombings in Boston, to the recovered kidnapped women held against their will for years and years. It seems that everywhere we have really bad people amongst us. Here’s some facts according to me…. I figure...

Spring and Renewal of Spirit

two blue birds

Spring is coming “The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you, don’t go back to sleep!” Rumi Now I always know when it’s happening. I am awakened before dawn by the crisp chirps of the morning birds near my windows. They call to everyone who will listen that Spring is coming. If I...

Lesson Number Three

a sweet little bird

Working hard is mandatory You can be slow and steady or like a bat out of hell but working hard is mandatory It’s always interesting when you get to talking with people about success. Some think the person that shows up and does what they do and repeats this everyday is more worthy of...

Lesson number 2

blue bird of happiness

“Write Love on Your Heart!” As we are working on being the best we can be this year together I have broken down three ways I see the world living. One is to live a life filled with panic and anxiousness, stirred by worry and stemmed at it core from not loving oneself and...

Lesson Number One

winnie the pooh

Be Quiet and Listen Perhaps Martha Beck put it best, when asked about her favorite quote it was not from some journal or complicated literary work but a simple and yet so very true life lesson from none other than Winnie the Pooh! Here’s what she said… “Winnie the Pooh. There is a scene...

Celebrating Sisters!

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Celebrating Sister’s Day The first Sunday in August is Sister’s Day, and I, for one, will be celebrating it. I know the secret marketing gurus behind the scenes have created this “holiday” of sorts in a probable effort to generate income for the card industry, but if you have a sister, you probably would...

Books and Movies and More!

blue bird of happiness

Celebrate Reading and Movies When I was a child, my Big Daddy and Granny would come pick me up right after Baptist choir camp to spend a month or so with them in the mountains. It was in many ways a very special time. Cousins would come and go, but it was particularly fantastic...

The Work of Men

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It’s father’s day. This is a time when I think back to the men in my life who reared me, and the gratitude that I feel towards them for having done such a great job. I was fortunate enough to have several wonderful men around me, guiding me and setting the examples of what...

Mothers and Daughters

blue bird of happiness

I think there’s nothing more amazing than being a mother. It is crazy, but from the first time I laid eyes on my children, I began making comparisons to who they look like. As babies, it was who’s feet and hands does she have … does he have my eyes? As they got older...


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Well ya’ll…. it’s February again. And guess what? It’s my birthday! Over the past few years many of my readers and clients out in Sugar Land have asked me who do you use for this or that….and even more have asked how do you do all of that! LOL I started thinking about what...

Everything Old Is New Again

blue bird of happiness

Introducing “Darling Dames! Ive been noticing that every now and then, our society does a flip backwards. For me, this realization started with the Old Spice man last year that boasted a man doing “manly” things, in a subtle way, trying to put men back in their place. Amusingly so by having the questioned...

How You Played Your Game!

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It’s not winning or losing, but how you played your game! The pro game has changed in the way guys train and the amount of media coverage. I guess I would say in one respect amateur baseball is more pure. Alisa: When you look back over your career, what stands out most in your...

Making Memories in the Sun!

two blue birds

Summertime! It’s hot and the best time to go out and enjoy water sports! I remember getting up at the crack of dawn as a kid and packing up stuff for the day at the pool. Back then, we would start swim team practice early, about 6 am, and then, stay all day getting...

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