Hey my Sweet Lifers! I’m guessing that most of you celebrated the holidays and got to spend time with those you love; hope so anyway! I have been asking my little’s coming in for their visits what their best gift ever was that they got for Christmas and I have been getting a lot...
“Finding what you might have missed”
Hey my Sweet Lifers! During a roadtrip back from North Carolina it struck me as we were wandering around in the Blue Ridge Parkway and through various states, there’s a lot of things you miss when you fly. Things that you should stumble upon and allow yourself some time to enjoy…others that make you...
May the 4th be with you…This is the Way
Hey my Sweet Lifer’s! Today is a day for all of us Star Wars™ fans to celebrate not only the actual movies that have captured our hearts and entertained millions over the years but to fully embrace what the series really means. It is about good vs. bad… right vs.wrong… evil not winning over...
“What is LOVE and the Meaning of LIFE”
Hey my Sweet Lifers! What is this thing called LOVE? Over the years countless sonnets, stories and songs have been written on the subject and through searching for the answer to the question of love, yet another answer most profound reveals itself. The answer to the question “What is the meaning of life!”The Apostle...
Aristotle’s 12 Virtues: Justice
Well my Sweet Life friends we have been studying Aristotle this year and in reflection there was no better year to go through the virtues. This year has been an exercise in testing all of us both individually as well as globally and justice as complicated as it is to understand and define is...
Aristotle’s 12 Virtues: Temperance
The virtue Temperance is described as having attained the ability to maintain self control and show restraint. Some scholars refer to this virtue as it pertains to the pleasures such as drinking and taking drugs, over eating or really over doing anything. As with most of Aristotle’s virtues and vices the constant continuum...
Aristotle’s 12 Virtues: Patience
This year marks my 15th anniversary writing my column Living the Sweet Life. This year also marks my 50th. As a way of reflection and remembrance this year’s Sweet Life will be a continuous study of Aristotle’s 12 virtues and how they are applied to my life. Enjoy! Patience as a virtue is probably...
Aristotle’s 12 Virtues: Pride
This year marks my 15th anniversary writing my column Living the Sweet Life. This year also marks my 50th. As a way of reflection and remembrance this year’s Sweet Life will be a continuous study of Aristotle’s 12 virtues and how they are applied to my life. Enjoy! My friends as we continue...
Aristotle’s 12 Virtues:Magnificence
This year marks my 15th anniversary writing my column Living the Sweet Life. This year also marks my 50th. As a way of reflection and remembrance this year’s Sweet Life will be a continuous study of Aristotle’s 12 virtues and how they are applied to my life. Enjoy! Well my sweet life readers we...
Aristotle’s 12 Virtues: Liberality
This year marks my 15th anniversary writing my column Living the Sweet Life. This year also marks my 50th. As a way of reflection and remembrance this year’s Sweet Life will be a continuous study of Aristotle’s 12 virtues and how they are applied to my life. Enjoy! According to encyclopedia.com Liberality is the...
Aristotle’s 12 Virtues: Ambition
This year marks my 15th anniversary writing my column Living the Sweet Life. This year also marks my 50th. As a way of reflection and remembrance this year’s Sweet Life will be a continuous study of Aristotle’s 12 virtues and how they are applied to my life. Enjoy! Ambition is defined as “a...
Aristotle’s 12 Virtues: Wit
I will this month celebrate that dreaded birthday and the funny thing is I am grateful for getting to have it. Many of my friends go through their lives worried about this and all the fun stuff that comes with getting older but I have taken it all in stride. Life works out much...
Aristotle’s 12 Virtues: Courage
Lessons learned in life come from many different experiences. Some leave lasting impressions that then influence the ways we perceive and react to the world. One hopes in a lifetime to master many virtues and the way we do this is through experiences. Aristotle wrote of 12 virtues the first of which is courage. ...
Your Sweet Life Legacy
You know I spend a lot of time with little people. My littles don’t read this column and some can’t even read yet at all. After being their photographer from birth throughout their childhoods it’s not really a shoot when they see me…it’s a visit where they get to spend quality time with their...
When was the last time you dropped HIM a line?
That was a question that I asked myself recently. By “Him” I mean GOD of course, and my reasons were many. Most of us who are Christians are trained and taught to pray and for the most part...
I just got a big calling
You know I spend a lot of time with little people. My littles don’t read this column and some can’t even read yet at all. After being their photographer from birth throughout their childhoods it’s not really a shoot when they see me…it’s a visit where they get to spend quality time with their...
Change is HARD…
Let it be known throughout the land that I do not like change! Let me remind you that I have worn the same wig since 1994 when I found it in Dallas as a red jacket with Mary Kay. I fell in love with the ease of snapping that on my head and looking...
A few years in review
Well now… how many of you are sitting with your presents wrapped and your hot chocolate in hand and wondering like me how did 2018 fly by here so fast? I am sure I am not alone in my feelings and as each year passes quicker I find myself feeling quite old. Used to...