Top 10 things to do in June!
with “Auntie A”
Pick one area in your yard and plant flowers, some of the early spring ones we all planted are looking pretty shabby by the time the heat comes in June
Weekly go to the farmer’s market to fill in with fresh produce locally that you did not plant in your garden
Prepare Father’s Day Brunch menu (see sample below for mine)
Go online and look at the local public library’s summer reading suggestions for your children and encourage them to enroll in their summer reading program…they have prizes
Schedule a beautiful weekend off to Galveston or up to Austin with just your spouse
Make a pitcher of fruit water daily and keep hydrated while enjoying freshly infused waters with cucumbers or strawberries
Book a family getaway for the week or weekend before school starts so that you and your children can destress one last time before all the scheduling comes back into our lives
Read at least two good books, on my nightside table now… The Wednesday Sisters by Meg Waite Clayton and attachment by Isabel Fonseca
Find three teens that will need something to set them off to college such as a towel set, new socks or a case of Ramen noodles and buy it for them
As Always…Go to the park, zoo, or pool with your children and no cell phone. Admire them in the sunshine and listen to what they have to say about life