- In the garden it’s time to gear up for the humming birds! They love shade and you’ll want to keep their feeders clean and with fresh nectar. See recipe below for making your own homemade nectar.
- Planting a garden full of flowers that attract both hummers and bees alike will insure the proper pollination for your fall gardening efforts. They love salvia and lucky for us that’s a hearty plant that keeps coming back in your garden year after year.
- It’s time to plant tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and feed the soil with Medina soil activator. Planting from seeds should be protected form the harsh sun until strong enough to be put out into the main garden areas.
- School days are here again and there’s always a need for books and supplies. Now is a great time to take an inventory of your magazines and books in your home library and donate to our local library those that the children and yourself have read and reread and are ready to share. Picking up an extra set of school supplies or donating too small uniforms to your school will also be a welcoming gesture. Remember there’s always a need for supplies, uniforms and books.
- On my nightshade table now is Robin Benway’s “Far From The Tree” and Colson Whitehead’s “The Nickel Boys.”
- Canning up all the summer veggies and pickle and jam making now will make your life so much easier this fall. I try to get fresh raspberries and oranges and make up jam for Thanksgiving give aways too! There’s nothing better than a ritz cracker topped off with a slice of brie and turkey and then dolloped with my raspberry and orange jam!
- Go though all of your medicine cabinet and stock up on shampoo, deodorant and other necessities. I also recommend purchasing now all flu and cold remedies so that when everyone else is sick and buying you already have what you’ll need without being amongst those germs.
- Call your doctors and schedule well-woman check, well-male checks, eye appointments and dental exams for end of the year insurance claims. Many plans require that you use eligible benefits in an annual format and you want to take advantage of those prior to years end.
- Think back on your goals for the year and see what’s still left to accomplish. You still have a 5 month push to complete anything that you really wanted get done. Sign up for a January marathon to get you motivated to get healthier and finish out this year strong.
- As always take time to enjoy your family and friends. Schedule a end of summer BBQ poolside or make a trip to the zoo and check out all the lovely new babies we have there. If your children are artistic have them bring along a sketch book to draw their favorite animals or better yet make it a photo shoot day at play and bring home lots of fun photographs to use in your holiday newsletters!
Top Ten Things to do in August