Hey my Sweet Lifers! Whatcha got planned for 2023? Many of us have been doing a lot for a lot of people for a very long time, years go by and in the haste of living…some dreams get lost or left behind. While some of that stuff has mattered, essential to the sheer running...
“Finding what you might have missed”
Hey my Sweet Lifers! During a roadtrip back from North Carolina it struck me as we were wandering around in the Blue Ridge Parkway and through various states, there’s a lot of things you miss when you fly. Things that you should stumble upon and allow yourself some time to enjoy…others that make you...
Time to be Mine
Hey my Sweet Lifers! There’s a running joke between me and my oldest and best friend about when to buy things. Not the items that everybody needs eventually like furniture, appliances and houses, but the personal stuff that makes life a little sweeter. You know… the pocket books, and jewelry, clothes and as of...
“It’s the Little Things” May 2022
Hey my Sweet Lifers! I hope that somewhere tucked in a bookcase or perhaps hanging on your wall there’s a piece of art that has been created either by you, a dear friend or by someone in your family. As all of you know, both my parents...
Lessons from the Sweet Life Garden
Hey my Sweet Lifers! There are many lessons about life taught daily in a garden. One of the more poignant lessons for me has been watching and waiting and observing just how things work with God and faithfulness in His timing. l marvel at the harmony amongst vegetables and flowers and insects that live...
Living the Sweet Life: The Column MHM + CSR = A better world
Hey there Sweet Lifers! How are you doing? I want to introduce you to the latest movement, yes another one. What is MHM you ask? Well it’s called “Mental Health Matters” and if you can subscribe to it the whole world will be a better, kinder and more inclusive space. As a person...
God will always come through
Well my Sweet Lifers! How are you? Do you feel like we are living in a vortex of surreal ness? Hopefully you are hibernating like the butterflies in my garden just waiting for spring. It certainly has been interesting with the pandemic and the “Great Deep Freeze of Texas!” In times of uncertainty I...
Think & Do
Hey there Sweet Lifers! It’s been a year that I doubt any of us will forget anytime soon. We have learned how to do so many things differently. If there was one word to describe...
Helping Children Cope with School Violence
Dear Auntie A. My son will be entering into high school next fall and he is showing signs of anxiety concerning the latest rounds of school shootings. He has asked how he can be assured that he is safe while at school and these questions do not have easy answers. I have assured him...
Top Ten Things to do in April
I am an affiliate with products that are featured on my site and when you choose to purchase from these I do get a commission. 1.Designate an area in your backyard or if you’re daring in the front, and plant yourself a cutting garden. 2.Get to the farmer’s market and seed company store...
40 years
It’s really amazing how time flies. It seeps away with days passing into months and months passing into years. Forty years to be exact. Yes, as I look at myself in the mirror each morning and see a fading version of my mother and a transformation of myself that even I have disbelief that...
Top Ten things to do in March
March is full of promise and hope that Spring will soon be sprung! From the looks of all the grey weather we’ve been having I for one can not wait! With the weather warming it’s time to order much and turn over all the beds prepping them for annuals. A hearty annual that I...
What on Earth is going on?
Of course out was going to happen again….it seems like it is becoming our norm and that scares me. It should scare you too! What I am referring to is the latest massacre at the High School in Florida. At what point are we going to find the answers to the questions of...
How do you find your Peace and Quiet?
Where’s your happy place? Mine is the beach…which is where I am right now…in my mind! If you desire to find peace and quiet on a daily basis, one way is to take something very special to you that reminds you of your special spot and to make a place for that in your...
Till Death Do Us Part!
Did you know that there are many birds that mate for life? One day a few years ago I was startled by a very loud and persistent chirping outside my bedroom door. I opened the door to find a slightly injured brown color cardinal and her husband screaming from the bird feeder at her...
“Bad hair, don’t care!”
Q. My daughter has always paid attention to her looks and I suppose that is hopefully because of my teaching her to bath daily and make sure she has on some clean underwear! Lately though as she has entered her teen years she has become quite slack about her hair and perhaps the most...
Teaching time management
Q. My son has a friend that his parent’s allow him to play video games all the time and he has become very self absorbed. As the boys are entering high school my son has lots of homework, projects and sports and his friend seems to have very little discipline or guidance. I want...
A Guide to surviving the Holidays
The holidays always present some challenges for most families. For some, each holiday the peacekeeping is just a matter of taking a deep breath and walking into the next room. After all, we do not choose our families and because of that tempered tolerance is necessary. These are people we are related to and...
The top ten manners every kiddo knows!
Q. I am a father of three with my children ranging in age from 2-8. I have been teaching them manners ever since they were very little and sometimes they still forget the basics! What are in your opinion, the top 10 best manner practices for parents to teach their kids? I want to...
Unconditional Support
Q. My daughter has been a part of a girl scout group ever since she was 8 years old. As the girls have grown, one of her friends has announced that she no longer identifies with being a girl and has begun to transition herself into a male gender identity. My daughter at first...