The art of power is a finely trained skill. Power is most often described as someone who can overtake, force change etc. What if we looked at this differently? Instead of striving to be powerful and strong in a forceful display, perhaps we should consider being more weak and kind. Our society trains...
The Lifestyle “Love Yourself First”
So recently I was visiting with some friends and the conversation turned to how much do you love yourself? Most of us do not love ourselves like we should. The amount of time we spend in our negative thought patterns really does effect our relationship with others and most importantly ourselves. Our thoughts...
The Lifestyle “Where’s Jesus?”
This Harvey thing has been a real eye opener about humanity. We have as a society been caught up fighting over politics and dumb stuff and then along came a storm and washed us. Nothing is more important than survival and when that is threatened we stick up for each other and we...
The Lifestyle “An Authentic Life”
How’s your Facebook lately? Been checking in on your Instagram? Has it just been my feeds or have you also realized that all those sites are starting to blend together and much of what is on there is nothing more than a place for our friends and family to show off? There are...
The Lifestyle Friendship Booklets
Friendship Booklets My Nana used to tell me that I would be lucky if I could count all my friends on one hand. That was true in middle school and college but as years have gone by and I have grown older, I have had and still have more friends than I can count...
The Lifestyle Choose FaceTime over FaceBook
How are your relationships? Did you know that more than anything else in our lives it is our relationships that will dictate for each of us how happy we are in life? Yes, my friends… the people that we are connected to actually have more of an impact on our overall health that our...
The Lifestyle Look Healthy Naturally with homemade creams, toners and fast fixes for acne
Acne can pop up at any age. Different types of skin needs different treatments for prevention and for healing. There are five easy ways you can use to reduce acne overnight. Aloe vera can be grown in your garden and when the first signs of a pimple pops up if you will slice a...
The Lifestyle Mindfulness to me…
I’ll bet that unless you have been living under a rock for the past decade you are familiar with mindful living. The trend towards doing nothing but sitting in repose in order to release stress and also create a sense of balance has been growing exponentially. When you are living mindfully your thoughts...
Fresh Finds with Alisa Murray Winter 2018
Wintertime is a fabulous time to make butters to moisturize your body, some healthy food since we all know what we are going to be eating here shortly is a bunch of sweets, and some bath goodies that you can make ahead and give as gifts. The gel can be modified from a beautiful...
Fresh Finds with Alisa Murray Fall 2017
Whether you are a Game of Thrones fan or not….. “winter is coming!” I always love the fall and spend time preparing for the colder months even if in our part of the country there seems to be less and less days spent battling much cold! This is the time to gather herbs and...
Fresh Finds with Alisa Murray Summer 2017
During the summer months I try to eat cooler and lighter and serve things that can be made ahead snd pulled out of the refrigerator to be eaten poolside! My avocado cream soup is just one of many recipes that my crew asks for during the summer. It’s light and cold and brightens...
Fresh Finds with Alisa Murray Spring 2017
Springtime is upon us and although we have had a rather warm winter we had best get ourselves geared up for a HOT summer! I love springtime because it is when I get everything in my life in it’s best form. The mind-body-balance that I planned for back in January has by the spring...
Fresh Finds with Alisa Murray Winter 2016
Many of us struggle with various forms of food allergies and sometimes we do not even know we have them until our bodies have taken all they can take. Over the past few years I have struggled with food allergies. The possibility of having food allergies should have come as no surprise with my...
“The List” Top Ten things to do in February with Auntie A! 2018
If you love collards…now that we have had some cold weather its time to throw a few seeds into some tossed up soil and they should take and sprout. I have tried to plant them sooner but they like the cold! It’s time to go to the local shelter and see if anyone needs...
“The List” Top ten things to do in January with Auntie A! 2018
1 Purchase a family pass to The Museum of Fine Art and create a family calendar for the whole year planned with a monthly visit to tour the traveling artist featured and talk a few classes to enrich the whole family. 2 It’s time to remulch and refurbish the beds in the yard… at...
“The List” : Top 10 things to do in December 2017 with Auntie A!
It’s time to plant the winter kale and collards in the garden. They will do well now planted and watered in with compost. Soon you’ll have plenty of hearty greens for salads and for winter cooking. Collect canned goods and cereal and drop off at the local food bank. Many children will be hungry...
“The List” for November 2017 Top Ten Things for This Month with Auntie A!
Spend time going through your attic and make give away boxes to take to GoodWill. Many of us got flooded from the ground inward but others got roof’s torn up from tornados and rain. Now that it’s a little cooler it’s a good time to go through all that’s in the attic and give...
“The List” Top Ten Things to do in October with Auntie A! 2017
It’s Autumn! There’s so much to do to get ready for friends and family and all the gatherings going up so soon! Make a tablescape to wow them all using pumpkins, fall leaves drape ribbons and candles. I love making the house “autumn” so that the transition from now thru halloween and into Thanksgiving...
“The List” Top 10 things to do for September 2017 with Auntie A! 2017
In the garden…. clip all your herbs and freeze them in ice cube trays, mix them with garlic and coarse salt into butter and freeze. This way you can enjoy using them in the winter months. Dip mint leaves into chocolate and then store in the refrigerator for stirring into peppermint tea or blending...
The List Top ten things to do in August with Auntie A! 2017
Back to school days are here and after trying and testing routines to make the crazy scheduled days go smooth I have found that if you will cut up veggies and fruits, boil eggs and sort cheeses and crackers into separate zip lock baggies you can grab and go in between home to school...