“Finding what you might have missed”                   

Hey my Sweet Lifers! During a roadtrip back from North Carolina it struck me as we were wandering around in the Blue Ridge Parkway and through various states, there’s a lot of things you miss when you fly. Things that you should stumble upon and allow yourself some time to enjoy…others that make you...

The Sweet Life Gardener      How much should I grow?

Hey my Sweet Lifers! There are so many challenges to think about when planning a garden, like understanding the way the sun lands throughout the day, the quality of the soil, and rotation and location annually. Unless it lives in the Sweet Life Garden year round, each year every bed is delicately and thoughtfully...

“What is LOVE and the Meaning of LIFE”                                     

  Hey my Sweet Lifers! What is this thing called LOVE? Over the years countless sonnets, stories and songs have been written on the subject and through searching for the answer to the question of love, yet another answer most profound reveals itself. The answer to the question “What is the meaning of life!”The Apostle...

Living the Sweet Life:      “If you’re happy and you know it do something sweet!”                                          

Hey my Sweet Lifers! How are you? Are you happy? I know, there’s always a lot going on and what kind of question is it to ask someone “Are you happy,” anyway? Happiness is a fundamental part of living a sweet life and the way to achieving it might be simpler than you think. ...

The Globetrotter:                 The Luxury Traveler                                     October 2021

Who is the luxury traveler? In my conversations with families over the years, planing experiences and balancing budgets for vacationing; the subject of luxury always comes up. Many people think that luxury travel means expensive travel, this is not necessarily so. What does luxury mean for you? For many it means paying a premium...

Top Ten Things to do in May!

Top 10 Things to do in the month of May Go to your local garden center or online and purchase some Mexican olive trees, avocados and oranges. Now is the time to get new trees planted and don’t forget to prune the herbs and freeze them in ice cube trays for use later.  If...

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